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Standard operating procedures: Featuring Passive Acoustic Data by The Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes (OPUS), Glossary

#12: OPUS SOP Glossary ("Part 0") Version 0.0.1


This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document is part of a SOP collection related to the Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes (OPUS).

The SOP Glossary provides definitions and standards as used in the OPUS-related workflow. It further provides an overview of the entire OPUS workflow, listing all processing steps and routines prior to ingestion of a data set to OPUS.


Thomisch, Karolin, Spiesecke, Stefanie, & Boebel, Olaf. (2023). Standard operating procedures: Featuring Passive Acoustic Data by The Open Portal to Underwater Soundscapes (OPUS), Glossary (1.0.1). Zenodo. 

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Access material Access on external site
Date Created April 21, 2023
Last modification date April 21, 2023
Date Created April 21, 2023
License CC-BY-4.0
Created by Philipp Sebastian Sommer
Category Other
Keywords metadata SOP passive acoustic data OPUS terminology & standards audio data data processing levels workflow
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