• June 27, 2022, 16:00 – 18:00

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    June 27, 2022

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning in Earth System Sciences Part 1

June 27, 2022

The recent introduction of machine learning techniques in the field of numerical geophysical prediction has expanded the scope so far assigned to data assimilation, in particular through efficient automatic differentiation, optimisation and nonlinear functional representations.  Data assimilation together with machine learning techniques, can not only help estimate the state vector but also the physical system dynamics or some of the model parametrisations. This addresses a major issue of numerical weather prediction: model error.
I will discuss from a theoretical perspective how to combine data assimilation and deep learning techniques to assimilate noisy and sparse observations with the goal to estimate both the state and dynamics, with, when possible, a proper estimation of residual model error. I will review several ways to accomplish this using for instance offline, variational algorithms and online, sequential filters. The skills of these solutions with be illustrated on low-order and intermediate chaotic dynamical systems, as well as data from meteorological models and real observations.

Examples will be taken from collaborations with J. Brajard, A. Carrassi, L. Bertino, A. Farchi, Q. Malartic, M. Bonavita, P. Laloyaux, and M. Chrust.

Mantle convection plays a fundamental role in the long-term thermal evolution of terrestrial planets like Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus. The buoyancy-driven creeping flow of silicate rocks in the mantle is modeled as a highly viscous fluid over geological time scales and quantified using partial differential equations (PDEs) for conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Yet, key parameters and initial conditions to these PDEs are poorly constrained and often require a large sampling of the parameter space to find constraints from observational data.

Since it is not computationally feasible to solve hundreds of thousands of forward models in 2D or 3D, scaling laws have been the go-to alternative. These are computationally efficient, but ultimately limited in the amount of physics they can model (e.g., depth-dependent material properties). More recently, machine learning techniques have been used for advanced surrogate modeling. For example, Agarwal et al. (2020) used feedforward neural networks to predict the evolution of entire 1D laterally averaged temperature profile in time from five parameters: reference viscosity, enrichment factor for the crust in heat producing elements, initial mantle temperature, activation energy and activation volume of the diffusion creep. In Agarwal et al. (2021), we extended that study to predict the …

For some time, large scale analyses and data-driven approaches have become increasingly popular in all research fields of hydrology. Many advantages are seen in the ability to achieve good predictive accuracy with comparatively little time and financial investment. It has been shown by previous studies that complex hydrogeological processes can be learned from artificial neural networks, whereby Deep Learning demonstrates its strengths particularly in combination with large data sets. However, there are limitations in the interpretability of the predictions and the transferability with such methods. Furthermore, most groundwater data are not yet ready for data-driven applications and the data availability often remains insufficient for training neural networks. The larger the scale, the more difficult it becomes to obtain sufficient information and data on local processes and environmental drivers in addition to groundwater data. For example, groundwater dynamics are very sensitive to pumping activities, but information on their local effects and magnitude – especially in combination with natural fluctuations – is often missing or inaccurate. Coastal regions are often particularly water-stressed. Exemplified by the important coastal aquifers, novel data-driven approaches are presented that have the potential to both contribute to process understanding of groundwater dynamics and groundwater level prediction on large …

Together, the creatures of the oceans and the physical features of their habitat play a significant role in sequestering carbon and taking it out of the atmosphere. Through the biological processes of photosynthesis, predation, decomposition, and the physical movements of the currents, the oceans take in more carbon than they release. With sediment accumulation in the deep seafloor, carbon gets stored for a long time, making oceans big carbon sinks, and protecting our planet from the devastating effects of climate change.

Despite the significance of seafloor sediments as a major global carbon sink, direct observations on the mass accumulation rates(MAR) of sediments are sparse. The existing sparse data set is inadequate to quantify the change in the composition of carbon and other constituents at the seabed on a global scale. Machine learning techniques such as the k-nearest neighbour’s algorithm have provided predictions of sparse sediment accumulation rates, by correlating known features(predictors) such as bathymetry, bottom currents, distance to coasts and river mouths, etc.

In my current work, global maps of the sediment accumulation rates at the seafloor are predicted using the known fea ture maps and the sparse dataset of sediment accumulation rates using multi-layer perceptrons(supervised models). Despite a good …

The Lagrangian perspective on Ocean currents describes trajectories of individual virtual or physical particles which move passively or semi-actively with the Ocean currents. The analysis of such trajectory data offers insights about pathways and connectivity within the Ocean. To date, studies using trajectory data typically identify pathways and connections between regions of interest in a manual way. Hence, they are limited in their capability in finding previously unknown structures, since  the person analyzing the data set can not foresee them. An unsupervised approach to trajectories could allow for using the potential of such collections to a fuller extent.

This study aims at identifying and subsequently quantifying pathways based on collections of millions of simulated Lagrangian trajectories. It develops a stepwise multi-resolution clustering approach, which substantially reduces the computational complexity of quantifying similarity between pairs of trajectories and it allows for parallelized cluster construction.

It is found that the multi-resolution clustering approach makes unsupervised analysis of large collections of trajectories feasible. Moreover, it is demonstrated that for selected example research questions the unsupervised results can be applied.

The frequent presence of cloud cover in polar regions limits the use of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and similar instruments for the investigation and monitoring of sea-ice polynyas compared to passive-microwave-based sensors. The very low thermal contrast between present clouds and the sea-ice surface in combination with the lack of available visible and near-infrared channels during polar nighttime results in deficiencies in the MODIS cloud mask and dependent MODIS data products. This leads to frequent misclassifications of (i) present clouds as sea ice or open water (false negative) and (ii) open-water and/or thin-ice areas as clouds (false positive), which results in an underestimation of actual polynya area and subsequently derived information. Here, we present a novel machine-learning-based approach using a deep neural network that is able to reliably discriminate between clouds, sea-ice, and open-water and/or thin-ice areas in a given swath solely from thermal-infrared MODIS channels and derived additional information. Compared to the reference MODIS sea-ice product for the year 2017, our data result in an overall increase of 20 % in annual swath-based coverage for the Brunt Ice Shelf polynya, attributed to an improved cloud-cover discrimination and the reduction of false-positive classifications. At the same time, the …

Funded by the Helmholtz Foundation, the aim of the Artificial Intelligence for COld REgions (AI-CORE) project is to develop methods of Artificial Intelligence for solving some of the most challenging questions in cryosphere research by the example of four use cases. These use cases are of high relevance in the context of climate change but very difficult to tackle with common image processing techniques. Therefore, different AI-based imaging techniques are applied on the diverse, extensive, and inhomogeneous input data sets.

In a collaborative approach, the German Aerospace Center, the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, and the Technical University of Dresden work together to address not only the methodology of how to solve these questions, but also how to implement procedures for data integration on the infrastructures of the partners. Within the individual Helmholtz centers already existing competences in data science, AI implementation, and processing infrastructures exist but are decentralized and distributed among the individual centers. Therefore, AI-CORE aims at bringing these experts together to jointly work on developing state of the art tools to analyze and quantify processes currently occurring in the cryosphere. The presentation will give a brief overview of the geoscientific use cases and then address the different challenges that emerged so …

The recent introduction of machine learning techniques in the field of numerical geophysical prediction has expanded the scope so far assigned to data assimilation, in particular through efficient automatic differentiation, optimisation and nonlinear functional representations.  Data assimilation together with machine learning techniques, can not only help estimate the state vector but also the physical system dynamics or some of the model parametrisations. This addresses a major issue of numerical weather prediction: model error.
I will discuss from a theoretical perspective how to combine data assimilation and deep learning techniques to assimilate noisy and sparse observations with the goal to estimate both the state and dynamics, with, when possible, a proper estimation of residual model error. I will review several ways to accomplish this using for instance offline, variational algorithms and online, sequential filters. The skills of these solutions with be illustrated on low-order and intermediate chaotic dynamical systems, as well as data from meteorological models and real observations.

Examples will be taken from collaborations with J. Brajard, A. Carrassi, L. Bertino, A. Farchi, Q. Malartic, M. Bonavita, P. Laloyaux, and M. Chrust.

Mantle convection plays a fundamental role in the long-term thermal evolution of terrestrial planets like Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus. The buoyancy-driven creeping flow of silicate rocks in the mantle is modeled as a highly viscous fluid over geological time scales and quantified using partial differential equations (PDEs) for conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Yet, key parameters and initial conditions to these PDEs are poorly constrained and often require a large sampling of the parameter space to find constraints from observational data.

Since it is not computationally feasible to solve hundreds of thousands of forward models in 2D or 3D, scaling laws have been the go-to alternative. These are computationally efficient, but ultimately limited in the amount of physics they can model (e.g., depth-dependent material properties). More recently, machine learning techniques have been used for advanced surrogate modeling. For example, Agarwal et al. (2020) used feedforward neural networks to predict the evolution of entire 1D laterally averaged temperature profile in time from five parameters: reference viscosity, enrichment factor for the crust in heat producing elements, initial mantle temperature, activation energy and activation volume of the diffusion creep. In Agarwal et al. (2021), we extended that study to predict the …

For some time, large scale analyses and data-driven approaches have become increasingly popular in all research fields of hydrology. Many advantages are seen in the ability to achieve good predictive accuracy with comparatively little time and financial investment. It has been shown by previous studies that complex hydrogeological processes can be learned from artificial neural networks, whereby Deep Learning demonstrates its strengths particularly in combination with large data sets. However, there are limitations in the interpretability of the predictions and the transferability with such methods. Furthermore, most groundwater data are not yet ready for data-driven applications and the data availability often remains insufficient for training neural networks. The larger the scale, the more difficult it becomes to obtain sufficient information and data on local processes and environmental drivers in addition to groundwater data. For example, groundwater dynamics are very sensitive to pumping activities, but information on their local effects and magnitude – especially in combination with natural fluctuations – is often missing or inaccurate. Coastal regions are often particularly water-stressed. Exemplified by the important coastal aquifers, novel data-driven approaches are presented that have the potential to both contribute to process understanding of groundwater dynamics and groundwater level prediction on large …

Together, the creatures of the oceans and the physical features of their habitat play a significant role in sequestering carbon and taking it out of the atmosphere. Through the biological processes of photosynthesis, predation, decomposition, and the physical movements of the currents, the oceans take in more carbon than they release. With sediment accumulation in the deep seafloor, carbon gets stored for a long time, making oceans big carbon sinks, and protecting our planet from the devastating effects of climate change.

Despite the significance of seafloor sediments as a major global carbon sink, direct observations on the mass accumulation rates(MAR) of sediments are sparse. The existing sparse data set is inadequate to quantify the change in the composition of carbon and other constituents at the seabed on a global scale. Machine learning techniques such as the k-nearest neighbour’s algorithm have provided predictions of sparse sediment accumulation rates, by correlating known features(predictors) such as bathymetry, bottom currents, distance to coasts and river mouths, etc.

In my current work, global maps of the sediment accumulation rates at the seafloor are predicted using the known fea ture maps and the sparse dataset of sediment accumulation rates using multi-layer perceptrons(supervised models). Despite a good …

The Lagrangian perspective on Ocean currents describes trajectories of individual virtual or physical particles which move passively or semi-actively with the Ocean currents. The analysis of such trajectory data offers insights about pathways and connectivity within the Ocean. To date, studies using trajectory data typically identify pathways and connections between regions of interest in a manual way. Hence, they are limited in their capability in finding previously unknown structures, since  the person analyzing the data set can not foresee them. An unsupervised approach to trajectories could allow for using the potential of such collections to a fuller extent.

This study aims at identifying and subsequently quantifying pathways based on collections of millions of simulated Lagrangian trajectories. It develops a stepwise multi-resolution clustering approach, which substantially reduces the computational complexity of quantifying similarity between pairs of trajectories and it allows for parallelized cluster construction.

It is found that the multi-resolution clustering approach makes unsupervised analysis of large collections of trajectories feasible. Moreover, it is demonstrated that for selected example research questions the unsupervised results can be applied.

The frequent presence of cloud cover in polar regions limits the use of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and similar instruments for the investigation and monitoring of sea-ice polynyas compared to passive-microwave-based sensors. The very low thermal contrast between present clouds and the sea-ice surface in combination with the lack of available visible and near-infrared channels during polar nighttime results in deficiencies in the MODIS cloud mask and dependent MODIS data products. This leads to frequent misclassifications of (i) present clouds as sea ice or open water (false negative) and (ii) open-water and/or thin-ice areas as clouds (false positive), which results in an underestimation of actual polynya area and subsequently derived information. Here, we present a novel machine-learning-based approach using a deep neural network that is able to reliably discriminate between clouds, sea-ice, and open-water and/or thin-ice areas in a given swath solely from thermal-infrared MODIS channels and derived additional information. Compared to the reference MODIS sea-ice product for the year 2017, our data result in an overall increase of 20 % in annual swath-based coverage for the Brunt Ice Shelf polynya, attributed to an improved cloud-cover discrimination and the reduction of false-positive classifications. At the same time, the …

Funded by the Helmholtz Foundation, the aim of the Artificial Intelligence for COld REgions (AI-CORE) project is to develop methods of Artificial Intelligence for solving some of the most challenging questions in cryosphere research by the example of four use cases. These use cases are of high relevance in the context of climate change but very difficult to tackle with common image processing techniques. Therefore, different AI-based imaging techniques are applied on the diverse, extensive, and inhomogeneous input data sets.

In a collaborative approach, the German Aerospace Center, the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, and the Technical University of Dresden work together to address not only the methodology of how to solve these questions, but also how to implement procedures for data integration on the infrastructures of the partners. Within the individual Helmholtz centers already existing competences in data science, AI implementation, and processing infrastructures exist but are decentralized and distributed among the individual centers. Therefore, AI-CORE aims at bringing these experts together to jointly work on developing state of the art tools to analyze and quantify processes currently occurring in the cryosphere. The presentation will give a brief overview of the geoscientific use cases and then address the different challenges that emerged so …