
  • 12:30 – 12:45
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A Web Framework for Dynamic Data Presentations in Earth Sciences

Gonzalez, Everardo1
  1. GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel

A comprehensive study of the Earth System and its different environments requires understanding of multi-dimensional data acquired with a multitude of different sensors or produced by various complex models. Geoscientists use state of the art instruments and tecniques  to aquire and analise said data, which is in stark contrast with the outdated means that are often selected to present the resulting findings: today's most popular presentation software chocies (PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) were developed to support a presentation style that has seen slim to none development over the last 70 years. Here I present a software framework for creating dynamic data presentations. This combination of different web based resources enables a new paradigm in data visualisation for scientific presentations.